Monday, October 21, 2013

6 natural treatments for beautiful skin

Because during this summer before many women get to different diets or diets , I thought today we should talk a little about their effect on the skin , but also about natural solutions that can improve the appearance of the whole body visible .
Effect of diets flash

Once you lose weight , especially when it comes to much weight , your skin loses its firmness. Unfortunately , especially in people who choose to follow drastic diets and weaken sharply, this effect is highly visible .

It is only natural considering that the skin can not compress , and after being stretched a long period of time is almost impossible to return to its original shape . Therefore it is essential that you follow the diet to be a lengthy and required to be combined with exercise. Only in this way you will not end up with coils of unsightly skin around the abdomen or sagging skin on the hands or thighs . The sport is the number one solution to avoid this situation , because only sport you can get a balanced body .

The importance of a well organized diet

A well organized diet , with diet and exercise will not allow your skin to suffer . Just think of the impact that all the vitamins in fruits and vegetables can have on your body , plus all the benefits of sport .

True, small changes in skin appearance can be seen even so, but they are not as big a reason for concern , such as sagging skin after a diet lightning, in which there is no sport at all.

The benefits of natural treatments

Therefore I will present some natural solutions to help you play your skin beauty , be it firmly , shine or softness. These treatments do not solve problems, but it helps greatly to solve them :

January . Rose essential oil - it is said that it can directly influence the activity of cells responsible for producing collagen. Use it by adding a few drops in the bath water when you bathe or combined with your moisturizer cream .

February . Lavender oil and castor oil - can be your allies when it comes to stretch marks. Less vitamin mix with a few drops of oil from such oil and massage your problem areas strongly . Stretch marks will not disappear overnight, but it will improve skin appearance .

Three . Aloe vera - is a plant with miraculous effects on the skin , so you can call it with confidence . Search Plafar pharmacies or natural gels with extracts of aloe vera and massage your skin morning and evening.

April . Coffee grounds - can play your skin tone . Mix it with mashed avocado and you get a natural and effective cellulite .

May . Honey - never forget its benefits . Combine with brown sugar scrub to get a natural or a little eucalyptus oil for detoxifying massage .

June . Olive oil - always talk about its internal benefits , so you can successfully use external , in combination with fruit smoothies for getting moisturizing creams or masks or grapefruit juice to get a cellulite massage oil .

 What treatment do you choose?

Tips !

In summer pamper your skin with delicate fabrics and loose and consists chic outfits and feminine accessories with chic , romantic accents .