Sunday, August 25, 2013

how to get pale skin

The skin is the mirror of our health, lifestyle, hygiene and so on. Specifically, if we analyze closely one's skin, hands, skin and general appearance of the can already draw some conclusions about the person's lifestyle, health status, age, etc. can guess.

CLICK Here And How To Get Pale Skin.

 Microdermabrasion, although it is now used in cosmetics, is more than medical treatment be used to treat scars, or for sensitive skin, remove wrinkles and acne treatment etc. However, this technique must be practiced often, more than once a year, she having chronic side effects such as skin thickening. Also this technique involves removing superficial skin infections are protective against both rays and from soalr. So microdermoabraziuea involves a number of precautions after he called it.

Three. Soap is not beneficial for the skin

This was where the old soap that were obtained by a combination of animal and vegetable fats. Soaps us those manufactured currently are most specifically designed to have a good antibacterial effect and also to protect the skin. It is very good cleansing with soap and water (washing) and then after cleaning and disinfection of the skin can apply a moisturizer, irritating, etc., compared to cleaning with cleanser. If you wash your skin and skin using abrasive soap and a soft sponge as you will see in a few months for your skin complexion and most of the problems disappear, even baskets (do not confuse this with acne pimples that involves a bacterial infection more more resistant to common disinfectants and antibiotics), less wrinkles.

April. If you drink plenty of water your skin more beautiful and hydrated

If the body needs a certain amount of water to function properly, the excess will be used only for filtering kidney, that you will walk to the toilet more often.

Signs and symptoms of lack of vitamin

CLICK Here And How To Get Pale Skin.

Foods that contain vitamin C are allies a strong immune system
May. Once found, you must use the same cosmetics

Once you find cosmetics that help you feel good and have beautiful skin, you should not change them. In reality, about 2-3 years due to the aging process, changes in life, stress, childbirth, hormonal changes, etc.. skin needs change. So you need to change the products they use.

June. You must use sunscreen when we expose to sun

On the one hand it is true, on the other is not. Let us clarify why. The sun stimulates certain cells in the skin that also just starting natural formation of vitamin D. It forms a molecule of vitamin preceding reaching kidney undergoes certain changes, travels through the body and finally that vitamin D is installed in nivlul intestinal cells where open certain channels that allow calcium absorption from food in the body. Without vitamin D absorption it would not be possible.

In conclusion, exposure to sunlight is very beneficial, but not least excessive. If you know you are going to stay the whole day on the beach or have a lot of ways to do outdoors on a hot day is recommended to use a sunscreen with SPF to not burn the skin. But tan without burning, the healthier it is particularly important for our health, especially for women in general are prone to calcium deficiency.

CLICK Here And How To Get Pale Skin.

With or without your permission, temperature changes assaulting your skin dries strong, become chapped and irritated. To avoid all these problems, the interior combines skincare with her outside. Here's what it is!

I'll tell you some time ago that you have to adjust your beauty routine with the arrival of autumn. Not only some products over the summer to be replaced by other appropriate new season, and care techniques should be reviewed carefully: in principle, skin hydration up first.

Armonineaza skin care inside the external

Specialists say that the beauty besides external care, skin needs to be "prepared" inside to face change in the atmosphere. So do not neglect your diet in any way (about the connection between the skin and eating we talked many times can you remember the fruits and vegetables needed juice diet best cellulite or skin).

No matter how picky as your daily routine, if you do not "fill up" the skin with important nutrients will not be able to face challenges: excessive dryness, dehydration, dull appearance, redness etc. To keep your skin healthy has to join the two types of care, external and internal. Remember that one without the other can not so if you want to have a perfect skin. To ease your approach, we prepared some rules that have to take into consideration!

6 rules necessary to care for your skin from the inside out

January. Hydrate your skin from the inside out. It is obvious that if you're well hydrated, then and your skin will look much better. Water is the key to getting rid of toxins that cause skin, giving it that dull appearance. If it's just hard to drink plain water, you can add some fruits (eg blueberries) or a few slices of cucumber. Another miraculous liquid in autumn is the tea, so do not hesitate to drink as much!

CLICK Here And How To Get Pale Skin.

February. Include foods rich in omega 3 diet: olive oil, salmon, almonds, avocado, tuna, nuts. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential in your autumn menu as limiting water loss from skin cells. Equally, omega 3 reduces wrinkles and helps the skin to regenerate!

Three. Eat berries that help heal the skin. Not only are excellent to moisturize your skin, but also contains a lot of antioxidants and vitamin C, which protects the skin (antioxidants fight free radicals that damage healthy cells).

April. Avoid alcohol, a potent diuretic that you force your body to make more urine, leading to dehydration process, the rapid loss of fluids. If you go out and want to drink a glass of wine, make sure you drink enough water to replace lost fluids. And coffee dehydrates strong, so be careful not to abuse it!

May. Take vitamin A! It is necessary to use a cream that contains vitamin A (which has skin repairing properties), but also to eat foods rich in this nutrient: sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach. Vitamin A will minimize skin dryness and irritation thereof, and restore cellular tissue, helping to improve skin elasticity.

June. Choose the right face cream season: for cold weather it takes a cream fatter, more nutritious. This should be applied immediately after out of the shower as well as keep you hydrated. It is also important to pay attention to the areas around the lips and eyes that are prone to dryness.

Give skin care from the inside out and help her regenerate during the night!

CLICK Here And How To Get Pale Skin.